
Shopping for bubbles

Late Nights - Let's first talk about why people think being voluntarily awake at night is 'not healthy, beta'. Living in IIT has its benefits when it comes to being an insomniac. If biology works en masse on a species-to-species basis, you know you're well into the grand scheme of things because if you stop yawning at ten pm, so are around 3800 students. This educated guess (thanks, Mayur) includes professors. Isolation has been ruled out, because this whole jing-bang lot of disagreeable people go back to the Stone Age when we were all hunting in packs. How can my internal body clock be dysfunctional?

The Secret To A Good Life - Given my present location, I think I can say yes even to my self-doubtful bag of thought-peanuts, because not staying in Bombay makes you think of Bombay more and more. I know why people living in cities are unhappy with their lives. It's because cities don't have halwai shops. Halwai shops, ladies and gents, are the world's most gastronomically attractive places. And if there is anything of considerable consequence that we have been doing ever since we woke up, it is eating. Food is the soul of that man called Life. Food encourages, food nourishes. Food loves unconditionally. Do you know the secret to a good life? I know. It's too simple to gasp at. The secret to a good, wholesome life is - more butter. You disagree with me? You know what you've been missing, then.

The Lizard's Point of View - The lizard lives on a reverse plane of familiar surface. Its 180 degrees is the shape of an unruly crescent moon to us, its 360 begins where we end ours. I've often wondered what would happen to my optic nerves if I were given a lizard's angle of incidence and reflection for one night. a) my beloved glasses would be the first to perish but b) gravity would become very timid a concept from what it is now. Quite a cracker thing to be de-conditioned of, even for just 24 hours.

The Letters 'e' And 'l' Are Beautiful When Doubled - I once nearly had a pen-friend called Priscilla. Isn't her name the prettiest you've heard? I would have written back to her solely for the musical thrill her name held to me, were it not for gusts of wind when I was copying her address down. Look at them, just look at the words -


You could write a poem a la carte Edward Lear's Classic Nonsense just because .. well just because of the way they sound when you double them.

The. Ees.

tweezers, which
breeze, of its

And who doesn't love freebies?

Ditto with the twelfth letter. When cloned and put together, they sound like they just have to make a point.

The. Ells.

Of pills. And the shrillness of Bill 's illness.
Of gills. And the thrills of Will's kills.
Of hills. And the smell of Jill's dills.

Now, someone
was talking about the shallow
and hollow
but mellow
of a
yellow fellow

When all
he ever did
was yell
oh Hell!
(You see, he

[Shopping for bubbles will continue eternally. More so because the shopper's having a lovely time. Hope you did, and will too.]


  1. 1) 3 cheers for insomniacs...
    2) love the doubling madness happening :P
    Hope ur havin a gd break.
    Xx HUGS xX

  2. Thanks.
    I'm not actually having a break - suddenly there's an awful lot to do. But it is, actually, high time, and things should be looking up.

  3. First timer here. Wonderful poetry :))

  4. Dear Sharanyan,
    I love being puzzled by high-end gadgets. This was the first time the computer I was using got baffled instead of me. Nocturnal magic is eternal :)

  5. A computer isn't exactly a "high end" gadget, is it? :P
    Most magic is nocturnal. why so?

  6. :) yes, I guess it isn't. I have a personal feud with Microsoft, which seems to have a genius for complicating things, and my computer faithfully complies :) This time, I got away with it.

    Most magic also involves secrecy. I think that is what's so alluring and tantalizingly beyond reach. Though I think wonder is something so startlingly spontaneous; you just never know what can capture you.

  7. One thing that connects most people in this world - Personal feuds with microsoft. Go open source!

    The spontaneity and the out-of-the-blue-ishness of it is what takes people by surprise, by wonder.

    P.s : I have to type "ibziksmy" correctly to post this comment.:| Why have word verification when you can moderate comments?

    P.P.s : Blogger wouldn't let me get away with this. apparently i typed it wrong.. it's "kfptrm" now

  8. My unanswered wish just nodded - thank you, Sharanyan.

  9. :)
    Incidentally, you are one of the very few people who use my full name nowadays.



 My first response to reading this blog again was, seriously, a post on parenting - that was what I last posted about? I can't help but ...