
In verted commas

"Love is sweet misery." - Cryin', by Aerosmith

"Reality - a pain for those in touch with it." - Unknown; seen at a raddi-wallah's shop.

"Choose ur own mate in life
Dn't depnd on ur mothr.
She wil bring u sum1
Who secrtly luvs anuthr." - Unknown; next to the window of an Ambernath 4:46 pm slow from VT.

"Deep rich chocolate mousse. So sinful, even your mother will warn you away from it." - Cafe Coffee Day's menu description for one of their chocolate mousses.

"I tried. I tried my best. But best is best only to me, not to them." - Molu in his sleep, a few days before his first Board Exam.

"Ethological research suggested that there was a major difference between the aggression patterns of the mammalian species and man - namely, that animals had evolved mechanisms to control their aggressive instincts, but humans had not." - Atkinson and Hilgard's Introduction to Psychology. (14th Edition)

On a lighter note,

"Freud isn't exactly obsolete. Psycho-analytic images still appear in animated films, with one of the more recent examples in 'The Emperor's New Groove', when a character argues with his angel and devil over disposing the emperor. The devil is the id, the angel is the superego and the poor critter in the middle is the ego." - An Introduction to Psychology by Cicarelli, Meyer, et.al. Probably the coolest Psychology textbook ever written.

"When we speak of setting difficult goals, we do not mean that we should 'aim at the stars.' In fact, a person who aims at reaching the stars may not even reach the rooftop." - Foundation Course - I, by Mr. K.T Basantani. A textbook which is a generic insult to intelligence.

"Remember that you are an Englishman, and have consequently won the first prize in the lottery of life." - Cecil Rhodes, a British statesman at the height of British Imperialism. At one point of time, this tiny island ruled one-fourth of the world through her colonies.

"Your nearest alternative toilet facility is located on this level towards the spectator's viewing facility." - Sign at a Manchester airport.

"For NASA, space is still a high priority." - Dan Quayle.
"Got a lot of numbers on it. I reckon it's the Budget." - George Bush.

"Eighteen arduous months later, after a long and agonizing process, Rand and I plunge into a love affair - with the knowledge and consent of Frank and Barbara." - Nathaniel Branden, describing his interaction and life with Ayn Rand. Frank and Barbara were the spouses of Rand and Branden respectively.
"It was while making newspaper deliveries, trying to miss the bushes and hit the porches that I first learned about accuracy in journalism." - Charles Osgood, host for CNB Sunday Morning.

"Intelligence has much less practical application than you'd think." - Response given to Dilbert when he asked his senior colleague (who was the President of the local Mensa organisation) on why he worked at their firm if he was so smart.

"The heart has reasons that reason cannot know." - Blaise Pascal.


 My first response to reading this blog again was, seriously, a post on parenting - that was what I last posted about? I can't help but ...