
of salted pears and q uiet

of salted pears and q uietude
wet with rainy nostalgia

of awed silence awed silence and bliss
under flourescent stars

of a lazy no where
stringed with silvery nothings

of an illuminated m ystery
behind the cloud-ringed mountains

of s catter ed music notes
its plural complexities perfected

of b reathing about bombay
to be taken along and not sent

of the essence of time gone gone gone by
and revelling it in the now

of a million minutes past you and me
within a universe of four walls

an ode to the cusp of a saturday-sunday with sharan at her place


  1. its...

    salted tears with solitude...

  2. :)

    They're called binette in French, and are used when you can't say all of what you're feeling.



 My first response to reading this blog again was, seriously, a post on parenting - that was what I last posted about? I can't help but ...